
Getting smaller and stupid people
2004-04-24, 5:55 a.m.

So once again another jerk came out of the woodwork. It has a few times but this time he showed up at my house. He was shocked by how much I have changed and and said I looked good. Yeah yeah not gonna work kiddo. He kept trying but I am very steadfast with my commitment to celibacy. See this guy has an obsession with breasts and he said that mine have gotten smaller which upon looking overall at all the changes yeah I have noticed that I am not filling out my bra anymore ARGH! It kinda of pisses me off that he is looking that closely. I noticed a lot of other changes like my collar bone is all showing big time and my shoulder blades are very visible too. This is kinda freaking me out. This guy also for the first time got into a discussion with me and my fatehr about things such as the craddle of civilization. He believes in creationism while intelligent people believe in evolution. Such as the case with my father and me. It got all extra heated when I said "white people have such an issue with humans starting out in Africa." He then said "look in the mirror what do you mean those white people?" Ok stupid boy I am half black moron. So at that I just ended the convo. I mean hello my father is right there and he is half although darker much darker. What an idiot. Oh yeah how can he be religious when he is trying to have unmarried unfeeling (emotional) sex. I hate the religious people with their double standards. So anyways on to other things.

I am making headway with getting the money to start a business. I am thinking of another possible one but I will wait and see. One thing at a time. I am glad my plane ticket for Rome is open ended cause I dont want to leave until I have something started. OOOOH a Poison video! I love the VH1Classic channel I live for it. Being a child of the 80's its the best ever. Ok now I am gonna go lay down and watch it before bed. Its what I fall asleep to. Hehehehe. See none of it reminds me of "he who shall not be named." YAY! Sleepy time.