
Movie Night
2004-01-24, 10:31 p.m.

Wow quite a long time between enteries. Yeah and I have been a very bad girl. I had a half a slice of pizza. Ugh I need to be renergized in my hatred and destruction. I think I have it though. HAHAHA. Oh well. My legs have been very evil to me lately. My poor muscles have frozen up. I think I am overdoing it on the treadmill. Back to that later.

OOOOOH dad bought a 36" flatscreen tv for the living room. Its cool. To inaugerate it my friends Jean and Marcus came over and we watched movies. I chose Jason Vs. Freddie and Sorority Boys. He (jean) chose Underworld. That movie unfortunatly is on my banned list due to "he who shall not be named" Good thing it was the last movie we watched and I passed out at the very opening credits. HAHAHAHA. Jason Vs. Freddie was ok but it could have been better I was looking for more interaction between the two killers but oh well. At least it wasnt 28 Days Later now that was a let down. OOOOH I got to see the Secretary also. GREAT MOVIE!!!!!! I loved it. The guys didnt seem to like it too much. They just didnt get it I guess. We also saw Dracula II Acension. It was cool well the last 45 mins rocked. Sorority Boys was cute. Had some very funny parts. So it looks like friday nights are movie nights at my house. I am buying a home theater speaker system for the house next month. So that will rock.

So anyway back to my hatred and destruction. I figured after getting my vengence I will probably go thru with being a nun. Seems cool to me since I will never never never ever be close to a male again. Thank god I have the practice in. My mother doesnt think it will happen the never trusting or even going near a male again. Hey she just doesnt get it. If a guy doesnt like me now then whats the point ya know. God I wish the world was male free. OOOH sounding like Orchyde there. HAHAHAHA

Off to play some games online then going to bed. YA me!