
Bad hair day
2004-02-21, 12:11 p.m.

Well it's official I am cursed when it comes to hair dye. I dyed my hair again. Black like usual. (natural hair color) And once again I had an allergic reation. At least its not as bad as last time. I had to go to the hospital I had first degree chemical burns. This time I just have a slight rash. UGH. Oh well. So I have been busy with improving myself. I am up to an hour on the treadmill. WHOOO HOOO. I am so dropping weight. It will be soon oh yes vengence is mine. I had a dream about he who shall not be named the other day. I called him in my dream and demanded that we meet. I guess in my dream I was very angry and wanted to give him all the stuff I had for him. Plus I thought hell I deserved to see him in person. Cant wait till that dream comes true.

I found out that one of the guys may have a crush on me. Guys I mean the boys that come over every weekend to watch movies. I dont think he does but other people have told me otherwise. Oh well not gonna act on it cause I dont want to ruin a friendship plus I dont think its fair to him when oh nevermind.

Everyday I dream about the convent in Italy. I seriously think I am ready o be a nun. Well since I am not gonna be dating ever again. The only things holding me back are the whole vow of poverty,(trying to get a business off the ground here)the vow of charity,(tired of helping people and getting stomped on) and the whole god thing.( big issue since I dont believe in a god) Oh well I will decide after a year.

I stopped talking to mom also. She has finally pissed me off enough for me to block her home number from calling the house. Its like she enjoys bringing up very painful issues just to watch me cry. I have had enough. I think this time its permanant. Its been almost 2 weeks.

Oh new classes start next month. I have chosen to take a chem class ( hahahaha my forte' easy A) and photography ( I rock when it comes to photography) I also get to buy a new car. Not sure what I want yet. Anyways.

Oh yeah this girl I met in one of my classes she was hella cool but we just drifted apart. Well she called me to ask me if one of her friends can move into the house. UMMM not too sure about that one yet. I dont know this girl from adam. But we will soon find out. Well off to finish burning CDs for my workouts.