
Pill Theives
2004-02-23, 12:35 a.m.

Ugh I have been ripped off. I went to go give a friend of mine some painkillers and I went in my purse and only to discover someone took 20 pills. I know who did it and well I will never trust that person again. They are on my shit list. The funny thing is lately if a person pisses me off I just cut them loose. This is gonna be interesting.

I did some major time on the treadmill today. I am so proud of myself. I think he who shall not be named should piss me off more often. This totally motivates me. Oh plus some added old mixes of mine when I use to spin. That really gets me going. Gets my heart rate up too.

The damn hair dye rash is now offically pissing me off. Oh another thing I went to go get my cream and only to find out my mom had taken it. One more nail in her coffin.

Oh this weekend was interesting. The guys came over and one left. I wasnt upset about the one who left. Anyways we watched some killer vampire movie out of Japan called Vampire Effect. I rather liked it. I usually hate Japanese kung fu type movies but this one was cool. We started talking about making a movie night with watching Bollywood flicks. You know the cheesy movies from India. Kinda stoked on that one. Orchyde is all for it too. I think its hilarious. Speaking of her she is rubbing off on me more and more these days. I swear she is my only friend.

Oh yeah we had a conversation about me going back to Rome permanantly. I think its a good idea. So does she. Everyday I am dreaming of walking through the city without a care in the world. I really hate washington. Plus everything reminds me of he who shall not be named. Sad huh? Oh well off to get some sleep. My ass is tired.