
Just kill them all
2004-02-26, 1:58 a.m.

Blah Another ho hum day. I worked out like a mofo though. I am very proud of myself. OOH yeah another one of my ex's got in contact with me. This guy I call hotel chris decided to call me up with his problems with the law and his chick. Yeah like I am sooo interested in crap like that. I swear how do they find me. Oh yeah this guy I was seeing before I left that asshole got in touch with me thinking I was like some drug dealer. WHAT THE FUCK? Utopia is sounding more and more intriguing. Oh tomorrow or rather today I get to have a CT scan. God I love american doctors. In italy I would still be on chemo. Oh well I am talking to my lesbian friend who I cant seem to get it in her head NOT INTERESTED. Its not her just I dont want to go near anyone ever again. I need to get my frustration out somehow. Maybe make some more CDs and work out more if thats at all possible. Oh yeah back to italy I caught myself the other day saying I want to go back home and I was referring to italy WOW. I seriously miss it. I will probably go back after the year is up. Find some rich old italian hottie and get married give up my US citizenship and become a true italian. Only thing is that the rich old italian hottie will never get to touch me. HAHAHAHA only in my dreams. Hell I have even given up masturbation NOW that says a lot for a scorpio. I think its in the water though. Cause all the scorps I know are all being celebate. Maybe thats the sign of end of days hahahahahaha whoooo hooo. "looking for the fastest ride off this rock" Ok off to sleep I need to be up soon for testing.