
Squirreling Candy Away
2004-05-06, 10:26 p.m.

Ok someone stop me. I am squirreling away candy like a freak. I am not eating it but I am storing it so when I lose all the weight I can have some. I am afraid that they will stop selling the certain kinds. Like the Reese's White Chocolate peanut butter cups. I bought 2 cases from costco. They are not accessible to me though. I got a case of the new Swoops candy. I even got some Peeps( my fave candy of all time) when easter hit. Also got some Hide a Eggs ( they are marshmellow eggs covered in a candy type shell). Squirreled some conversation hearts away too. God I am getting bad. Its ok it will be my treat to myself. Its not like I can eat them all in one sitting. Contrary to popular belief overweight people dont eat tons of food. Most in fact eat only once a day. Bad food though. Thus causing their metabolisms to shut down. Thats what happened to me. In fact there was this girl in the store the other day. She was very overweight BUT all she had in her cart were those nasty frozen pizzas, a ton of candy, ice cream and chips. I dont know whats going on in her life but I gave her a sympathic look like "honey you dont have to resort to eating that shit". I wish I could have helped her. But back to the candy I just wanted to get that off my chest. I dont feel bad but I dont particularly like it.

I had a successful workout today. Did a bunch of overtime walking. I was just so energized. Go me! I still need to see my doctor about this pulled muscle. Its still giving me trouble. Oh well. Still gonna work out like a freak.

Oh on the tv show Angel they went to Rome. Ok hello thats a sign. I am dedicated to the show. Not happy about it going off. What am I gonna do now. I mean no Buffy now no Angel. How am I gonna get my Spike fix. I have a mild obsession with the character Spike. Well cause he has white blonde hair. OOOOOH I love that. Turns me on. Back to the show, they were in Rome. Didnt really recognize the scenes just the stock footage they had of Rome. I nearly cried. I just want to go back so bad. Even the science channel and the history channel have been really focusing on Italy. See somehow its telling me to come home. I wish I cant wait. Well gonna go get some sleep kinda tired. Off to have more weird dreams.