
Penn and Teller Rock
2004-05-08, 10:42 p.m.

Ok Penn and Teller Bullshit is my new favorite show. I have seen a few of them in the past. They are hilarious. This recent one was the greatest. It was about the bible. The things they said and showed made me want to just jump into the television and say finally educated people attacking a book of fiction. They had both sides of the fence on. A christian and a skeptic. Dont want to say atheist cause who knows he might not be. Since atheist means without religion. Ok back to the show. They made the christians out to be total morons. WHOO HOO. These people believe in anything just as long as they dont have to take credit for the shit that they do. The show pointed out many conflicting stories in the bible. Even about adam and eve. In the first part of genesis states that adam and eve were created at the same time then a few chapters over it said god created adam first. OK hello conflict. Then it went on to show that there is no archelogical evidence of most of the stuff happening like the whole moses deal. HAHAHAHAHA poor Chuck Heston. Then it talks about the rules. Christians always love to bring up the "man shall not lay down with another man" blah blah punishable by death. In that same book it says that disobeident children should be stoned to death. UHHHHHH ok my ass would have been dead a long time ago. In fact all of us would. Then it says that no man should go near a woman while she is on her period. UMMMMM then men and women would never ever meet. It also says states that men with long hair are an abomination. Ok bye jesus see ya! There were other things cited and they had me rolling. Penn brought up a big point, that if the bible is true how can you pick and chose what rules apply. It should all apply. HAHAHAHAHA but they dont tell you that. I have a friend who is taking a class called History seen as through the bible. I want him to watch this show cause he is a 7 day adventist. He has beliefs but he doesnt live by them. Typical christian. They pick and choose according to their lives. Then they believe in god out of fear. Say if they are dead and there is a god they can say they believed but if there isnt one they kinda missed out on life but it didnt hurt them all that much. I am gonna tape this show. Or get the DVDs when they come out. What got me watching them was there was a show on recycling.

Ok most of recycling is bullshit. With the exception of aluminum cans everything else is a waste of energy,resources, and causes more problems in the long run. They can still use the bottles and plastic stuff but it takes too much time and effort to change them into some viable for the public again. So now in our house we only recycle cans now. No more of this sorting out bullshit. I cant wait till the next show its about new age crap. Like tantric sex, crystals, and so on. These guys are my new heros. They have balls. Gotta love them.

Oh well off to take a shower and go to bed I had a long day. Did 3 miles on the treadmill today. YAY! Go me.