
More lesbians
2004-05-27, 11:08 p.m.

Now I have 4 lesbians talking to me on my old screen name. WOW never knew I was a hot chick magnet. I just might have to turn pro. Nah most women are nuts. Plus I dont want a woman right now I want vengence. Maybe later.

Oh yeah on that screen name I have been chatting with a guy that I knew way back but never met. We are even talking on the phone. Not interested though. I feel bad for him he broke his shin in 3 places 2 days ago and ripped open his leg. He got like 35 stitches. OUCH poor guy.

I am thinking about going to the zoo this weekend. I have been dreaming about it. I think it will be calming. I just want to walk around and take pictures. I hope they let me take pictures if not I will just sneak my camera in. I want to go to the aquarium. I had a prom there once. It was absolutly beautiful. I just want to take tons of pictures. I am jonzing after taking those classes. Oh well I hope the weather holds up if not then I will go another time.

OOOOOOOH I am launching a fraud report against this chinese place. I got some food delievered and well they took my credit card number no biggie but they charged me 3 time and different amounts. I called my bank and they confirmed it. I then called the chinese place and well they were like Oh no we didnt do that when was it. I told them 3 days ago and the lady just paused and goes you got your statement already. I said no I called the bank and they told me. She then told me she will call me back the next day and she did. She claims that she only charged me the one time. Yeah then I told her the bank said it was on different days. She said oh maybe you ordered other times I was like no. Ok lady I have connections. Yeah so thats gonna be fun.

Oh well good workout today. Not much to say on that. Just now I want sleep. so good night