
Downloading like crazy
2004-05-30, 4:01 p.m.

Yay for needed new workout music. So I have been downloading songs like a mad woman. Most if not all are from the 80's. My fave decade. I mean I am getting everything from The Clash to 3 Doors Down(which I vowed I would never listen to cause it reminds me of "he who shall not be named"). When I download I grab the song and quickly move it from my shared folder to another folder. No one is gonna sue me for downloading music. In the 2 days I have been downloading I have about 60 songs. I know that sucks but hey I have dialup.

I am soo happy to have new songs to listen to cause the other 18 cds were getting boring. And since I dont have my regular cds anymore cause I accidentally left them at a friends house and havent gone to get them. I even set up the computer to download while I work out so when I am done I can burn them. YAY!

Now I have more motivation to workout. Listening to great songs. Well I am off to eat and then go workout. I am actually glad I can listen to a lot of these songs even though they remind me of HIM!