
Good News Bad News and Mixed News
2004-06-20, 5:55 a.m.

Yeah well good and bad news. First lets talk about my father. Since he missed his dialysis friday he just went downhill. Yesterday (saturday) I tried desperatly to get him in the truck to go to madigan emergency. Yeah finally around 11 pm I got him ready to go. I was so close to calling the paramedics but he needed to do this for himself. We got there he was immediatly seen. I talked to the doctors and told them the truth cause my dad wasnt telling them everything. Finally some internists came to see him and I basically told him that he is medically incompetent. They agreed. And after 3 and a half hours was admitted. THANK GOD! Finally they are seeing what I am seeing. SO that is good and bad.

Also James didnt call me last night and the minute that I signed online he was online but then a second later right when I was gonna IM him his away message went up. I dont know how I feel about that. Kinda mixed about it. Like sad and upset then its more like maybe its for the best. I dont know. I am too exhausted to think about it. Nor do I want to even begin to think that I would get hurt in all this. I am resilient. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH that was a sigh. Oh well. At least I am not really off track. YAY! Ok off to sleep and have to see my father in the hospital since it is father's day. Yeah anyway