
Oh what a crappy day
2004-09-07, 2:33 a.m.

Can this day get any worse? I dont even want to get into it. Let's just say that "he who shall not be named" is haunting me. In my dreams, through my friends, online, and in my future relationships. I dont even want to go into it. Poor Orchy had to come over and keep me company so I could just vent and scream. Thanks hun!

Yeah well then James tells me that his ex called him to possibly get back together with him. Strange things happen when natural disasters occur. I told him who the fuck am I to stand in your way or even her way for that matter. Then he got all offended. Yeah great huh? He made it quite clear about me so yeah fuck him about a relationship.

Well I am also a sucker because I bought him a "hurricane preparedness kit." It has huge candles, batteries, a flashlight, a lighter, a first aid kit, and stuff for him personally like nasal spray ( his allergies are bugging him), peppermint tea for his upset stomach, a poncho, MRE's (meals ready to eat), oh yeah his birthday present ( a gift card to best buy if it is still standing), cleansing wipes so he can clean up cause he cant take a shower, bottled water, and trail mix. See I am way too nice. GOD DAMN when will I learn?

Well I am off to go probably dream about that shithead "he who shall not be named." Just kill me now!