
No concert for me and yes unfortunatly I am still alive
2004-09-23, 1:40 a.m.

Still holding on to that whole not human thing being another form of being. Yeah gets me through the days. As you can see my prayers are still not answered. Oh well.

I didnt get to go to my Maroon 5 concert due to the fact no one was willing to drive my father to and from dialysis. See the one time I want to go out and have what I would call fun no one is willing to help. See how lovely it all works out for me. Let's just hope they don't get any bigger and they come back to washington. I just want a couple of hours off you know not just the time I get when my father is at dialysis but just some legitimate me time. Thats too much to ask I guess.

Oh yeah I called James today to see if he got the care package I sent. The fucker hasnt talked to me in over 2 weeks I sent the package over a week and a half ago and the bitch didnt even have the politness to tell me he got the package and a nice thank you. No because he got out of this friendship with parting gifts and he is a selfish self centered prick and he has NO reason to be. I dont get how these not even remotely attractive males have the balls to be conceited or selfish. I just dont get it. Maybe its because females dont judge on looks rather the personality but yet they have shitty ones. Oh well not gonna dwell.

I need sleep. Tomorrow got running around to do for yes you guessed it my father. God this is my life I guess. YAY!!!!